Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Value centric innovation

In my previous blog(month of Jan 09), I touched upon on the need to focus on innovating on the basic needs (air, water, food, hygiene, shelter, and education). Complimentary to this is, we need innovation to stem the degrading values. We may not find many who support this concern and look to the others as a reason for falling values in the system. Those who support this cause are very few in numbers. Hence, something needs to be done here quickly. Values are key elements for the very purpose of existence of humankind. Values provide meaning to life. Finding ways to inculcate the value system in our day-to-day dealing is an area for innovation.
If the purpose of innovation is to create wealth by any means then we have it all wrong. Showcasing people as successful innovators based only wealth and power are bad example to the rest of the world, leading to the snowballing of the degrading values whose consequence is disaster in time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the idea of innovation in our value system.But their are few values which do not change with generations, like Truth,Non violence,Love, Peace and Right conduct. Swami Ranganathananda of Ramakrishna order has written a book on Eternal values for changing society.
Recession is partly because many in the world especially in Finance & banking sectors were not truthful and considered money & power over the human values.
The problem today is,what seems value for one is not for the other, because peoples perceptions are different. We need to debate and agree on core values on which there cannot be any argument and we should abide by them.