Thursday, July 23, 2009

Simple insights, obvious solutions, and good profits

The function of business is marketing and innovation, says Peter Drucker. How true! Innovation helps companies to fight competition, improve economies of scale, generate new business, reduce costs, and create sustainable revenue streams.
Ants swarming to a sugar mould is how one can visualize the situation in Bangalore, ants=people and sugar=Bangalore. This has lead to all sorts of issues one of them been the ever increasing water problems. People used to store water in tanks made up of cement, aluminum, iron, etc. These storage units had several shortcomings. That is when I remember someone named Sintex (Company) introducing the poly-plastic water storage tank. Sintex started as an in-house unit inconspicuously of a larger parent group. Sintex saw the opportunity and the shortcomings of earlier storage. It focused on sorting out most of the issues that the earlier storage systems had kept the manufacturing process of making the tanks simple. Sintex tanks are a huge success; the unit has crossed the revenues of the parent company! Another revolutionary idea was the ATM. People could withdraw and deposit money at anytime and at many places as per their convenience. Credit card is another example. More obvious solutions to follow…