Sunday, August 23, 2009

What type of innovation is good during recession?

Spend good time in doing a proper market research before start spending in any new kind of innovation. It would be good to focus on areas where the cost of the service or product from an end user perspective is affordable to the customer segment you are going to serve. In principle one may look focus to doing disruptive innovations. For example- research as to what kind of car would India’s middle class family like to have? The result of the research was a car which is 50% lower in cost and with all the features of the most used lowest car in India. Tata Motors (Ratan Tata like Akio Morita from Sony walkman fame, is proposing the Nano car). The Nano car is a good technology example in terms of keeping the cost affordable. We need to see if this would also translate into a decent profit for Tata are an effort that supports social cause. In my opinion Tata Nano needs a business innovation now having pulled-off the technology innovation.